22 April 1941 (Tuesday) – Belfast 1941 Blitz Diary

The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester toured severely damaged areas of Belfast. The Northern Whig believed some people had fled ‘more likely to selfishness than fear’ but thought that people should ‘press on, stimulated by our Royal visitors, to get back to work’.[1] It reported that the Duke got a ‘warm welcome’.[2]


Between 7th April and 6th May 1941, four aerial bombing raids on Belfast killed over 900 people, injured 1,500 and damaged about half of the city’s homes. Thousands were made homeless and over 100,000 residents fled to the country. This period in Belfast’s history has become known as the Belfast Blitz. To mark the 81st anniversary, key events each day over the Blitz period are being retold here on this website and also on Twitter (@drtomstours).

[1] Northern Whig, 22 April 1941, p.1.

[2] Northern Whig, 22 April 1941, p.2.