27 April 1941 (Sunday) – Belfast 1941 Blitz Diary

Medical professionals feared there was a considerable risk of disease in Belfast after the Blitz. Dead bodies, especially of animals and domestic pets, as well as damaged water mains that were polluted by sewerage posed a risk to health. Dr F.F. Kane, Medical Superintendent of Purdysburn Hospital, believed there was a major danger from diphtheria and typhoid. Diphtheria was a disease of children and existed among the children of Belfast, killing 300 in the 1930s. He urged parents to get their children vaccinated. Typhoid, or enteric fever, was the other a major health issue given the sewage system had been damaged by the bombing. Kane urged people to get vaccinated and employers to encourage their staff to do likewise.[1]

The press gave details were people could get vaccinated against typhoid.[2]

[1] Belfast Telegraph 28 April 1941, p.3.

[2] Northern Whig, 26 April 1941, p.3.