The River Farset used to run down the centre of High Street until it was culvetted over in the 19th century.
One notable former business in High Street was the Ulster Overcoat Company which made the coat known as an Ulster and which was made famous by Arthur Conan Doyle when he dressed his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes in an Ulster.
The High Street features a number of historic buildings. Castle Buildings was built in 1905 for Crawford McCullagh, silk mercers and milliners. It is probably the finest example of Art Nouveau architecture in Belfast (below).

The Dunnes Store is a fine example of Art Deco (below)..

Running off the High Street to Ann Street in the south and Rosemary Street and Waring Street in the North are a series of narrow alleyways or entries. Pottinger’s Entry connects Ann Street with High Street in almost a straight line. The principal attraction is a Victorian pub, The Morning Star.