Peace Walls

The peace lines or peace walls are a series of separation barriers in Northern Ireland that keep apart predominantly republican and nationalist Catholic neighbourhoods from mostly loyalist and unionist Protestant neighbourhoods.

Although temporary peace walls were built in Belfast in the 1920s (in Ballymacarett) and 1930s (in Sailortown), the first peace lines of “the Troubles” era were built in 1969, following the outbreak of civil unrest and the 1969 Northern Ireland riots.

They were initially built as temporary structures but have become more numerous and permanent. There were 18 in the early 1990s and this had increased to at least 59 as of late 2017. They stretch for over 34 kilometres (21 miles), with most built in Belfast.

Unfortunately, they have been increased in number and nature since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement of 1998. Three-quarters of Belfast’s estimated 97 peace lines and related structures (such as gates and closed roads) are in the west and north of Belfast.

The stated purpose of the peace lines is to minimise inter-communal violence between communities who are most Catholics (many of whom are nationalists who self-identify as Irish) and largely Protestants (many of whom are unionists who self-identify as British).

In recent years, they have even become locations for tourism. Black taxis now take groups of tourists around Belfast’s peace lines, trouble spots and famous murals.

The most prominent peace lines separate in Belfast are:

  • the nationalist Falls Road and unionist Shankill Road areas of West Belfast
  • the nationalist Short Strand from the unionist Cluan Place areas of East Belfast

Similar structures exist in other towns in Northern Ireland such as Portadown and Derry.

In 2011, Belfast City Council agreed to develop a strategy regarding the removal of peace walls. However, a 2012 study was indicated that 69% of residents believe that the peace walls are still necessary because of potential violence.

In 2013, the Northern Ireland Executive committed to the removal of all peace lines by mutual consent by 2023.